Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery
- Face
- Breast
- Body
- Vaginal Rejuvenation
- Transgender Services
Aesthetic Treatments
Aesthetic Treatments
- Injectables
- Lasers
- Body & Vein
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Hair Restoration
- About PSC
- Patient Resources
The Consultation Experience
From your first step into the Plastic Surgery Center, it is our goal to provide an exceptional experience. On your first visit to the Plastic Surgery Center, you will meet with one of our highly qualified plastic surgeons who will review your specific concerns and recommend treatment options.
You will be thoroughly informed as to what can be realistically expected from your procedure as well as the associated risks. It is our goal for you to be well-informed of your options so that you can confidently make the best choice for yourself.
If you decide to proceed with surgery, you will meet with our Scheduler, who will coordinate a date for your procedure and give you verbal and written preoperative instructions.
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