Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery
- Face
- Breast
- Body
- Vaginal Rejuvenation
- Transgender Services
Aesthetic Treatments
Aesthetic Treatments
- Injectables
- Lasers
- Body & Vein
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Hair Restoration
- About PSC
- Patient Resources
Choosing a Plastic Surgeon in Wichita
Would you hire an untrained car mechanic to fix your brakes? Would you buy a discounted parachute?
The answer to both questions is probably NO, because your safety depends on it.
When choosing a qualified plastic surgeon, make sure he or she has trained in fully accredited plastic surgery residency or fellowship program. Plastic surgeons routinely spend six or more years learning the full breadth of both reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery. Some get additional specialty training in fields such as pediatric plastic surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and others.
Make sure your plastic surgeon is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the only validated accrediting body for plastic surgeons.
BEWARE: There are practitioners who sometimes have no formal education in plastic surgery. These practitioners may pose as a plastic surgeon in order to try to perform plastic surgery procedures. Please be cautious in investigating your potential surgeon’s accreditation.
Why It’s Important?
While you might find that other medical disciplines have doctors who promote themselves as cosmetic specialists, it is important to remember that the only specialty which trains surgeons in all facets of cosmetic surgery is plastic surgery. There simply is no substitute for the rigorous experience of a comprehensive residency program that includes both complex reconstructive procedures and cosmetic surgery training.
Plastic surgeons are unique in their extensive knowledge of human anatomy; they operate all over the body, on children and adults, both female and male. Plastic surgery requires a rigorous knowledge of the body’s entire blood supply, nerve distribution and muscle function and layout. Plastic surgeons are creative, extremely adaptable and able problem solvers.
For your utmost safety, and the best results, we encourage you to do your homework. While it is legal in some states for anyone wearing a white coat to call themselves a cosmetic surgeon, that doesn’t mean they’ve had the proper training to perform your plastic surgery.
About Us
Our Plastic Surgery Center physician, Dr. Sprole, is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and Board Certified in plastic surgery.

American Society of Plastic Surgery member surgeons
- Are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery to perform plastic surgery of the face and all areas of the body.
- Have at least six years of surgical training and experience, with a minimum of three years of plastic surgery.
- Only operate in accredited facilities.
- Fulfill continuing medical education requirements, including standards and innovations in patient safety.

Award-Winning Plastic Surgeon
Over the years, our physicians have received awards, been awarded Wichita Business Journal’s Excellence in Surgery and 40 Under 40 Awards, and been chosen multiple years as the area’s best doctors.