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Save $180 on Our New Tension Relief Package
Buy Three Treatments, Get One Free!
Does this sound like you?
- You clench your jaw and/or grind your teeth.
- Your shoulders are tight and feel like they’re up to your ears.
- You have tension headaches.
We can help with our new Tension Relief package. It includes BOTOX treatments injected into your trapezius muscle (your shoulders) and your masseters (your jaw muscle). This alleviates tension headaches and reduces teeth grinding, jaw clenching, and tight shoulders. You find your neck is elongated, and you have a more relaxed posture.
Once the effects of the BOTOX treatment take effect, you can return and relax with your Platinum HydraFacial!
Treatment is $1,159 ($180 savings). Must purchase in April and treat by May 31, 2024.