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KYBELLA® at Plastic Surgery Center
You can get rid of your double chin! We are excited to offer you KYBELLA® double chin injections in Wichita!
This is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the area under your chin to improve your profile.
Learn More
Treatment Highlights
Procedure Name
Procedure Type
What it Treats
Reduction of fat in chin
Recovery Time
2-3 days of swelling
Consultation Required
Procedure Length
45 min
Treatments Needed
How It Works
KYBELLA® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells under the chin to improve your profile.
If you are someone who is bothered by fat under your chin (submental fullness), this treatment may be right for you. Some of you may feel you look older and heavier than you are, and you are not interested in surgical options. If so, KYBELLA® may also be right for you.
The active ingredient in KYBELLA® is synthetic deoxycholic acid.
Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When we inject KYBELLA® into the fat under your chin, KYBELLA® destroys fat cells. Once they are destroyed, these cells are no longer able to store or accumulate fat.
This means you have a noticeable reduction in fullness under your chin, revealing an improved chin profile.
Pre- and Post-Treatment Instructions
Frequently Asked Questions
At the Plastic Surgery Center and PSC Aesthetics, we are here for you. Take a look at some of our patients’ most frequently asked questions.
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Want to learn more? Use the virtual consultation tool below. If you are ready to schedule your consult with one of our plastic surgeons, contact us today.
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About PSC Wichita
The skincare team at PSC Aesthetics is uniquely qualified to perform your KYBELLA® injections to help with under chin fullness. With years of experience and a high level of expertise, you look like you, only better.