The surprising answer is, “Yes!” You can get a chemical peel in the summer.
Your skin is biologically designed to handle all seasons—from the hottest and most humid to the most frigid. Yet, there’s a common misconception that you should avoid getting chemical peels in the summer. This is understandable, as proper chemical peel aftercare states you should avoid prolonged sun exposure.
However, with the proper sun protection and a little TLC, peeling in the summer is entirely safe and effective. It’s even beneficial for your skin. Here, we take a deep dive into chemical peel safety, myths, and proper aftercare protocols.
The myth: “You can’t get a chemical peel in the summer.”
The popular myth that you can’t get a chemical peel in the summer originates from this important aftercare protocol: avoid prolonged sun exposure during skin recovery. It’s a common misconception because summer is typically hotter and sunnier.
However, our skin can handle some roughness, and a little sun exposure is perfectly safe for chemical peel recovery. This is true if you wear sunscreen and take proper sun protection measures (like wearing a hat). And wearing sunscreen is something we should be doing year-round anyway!
The truth: The summer season can be an excellent time for a peel.
First, let’s start with what a chemical peel does to your skin.
Chemical peels, like the award-winning VI Peel, induce skin regeneration and exfoliation, also known as skin cell turnover. The older we get, the slower the cell turnover is, and chemical peels help move along cell sloughing to prompt newer and fresher cells to the surface.
The exfoliating acids found in chemical peels not only stimulate new cell generation without stimulating new melanin production.
Improper post-peel care, such as not wearing SPF or staying out in the sun for prolonged periods, can induce melanin production and lead to new dark spots and hyperpigmentation.
How you approach SPF and sun protection after a chemical peel should be no different than any other day. The Skin Cancer Foundation says everyone six months of age and older should wear sunscreen daily to shield against premature aging (including wrinkles and dark spots), sunburns, and the risk of skin cancer.
So, as long as you wear your SPF and keep your skin protected from the sun, your chemical peel results should not be affected, regardless of season.
What about chemical peels and the summer heat?
Yes, prolonged sun exposure and intense heat should be minimized when recovering from a chemical peel.
But the key here is the word prolonged and intense. Lifestyle sun exposure, like running errands, driving in the car, and going for a walk, are all perfectly fine as long as you protect your skin with SPF.
When it comes to chemical peels and heat, we first need to understand the two types of heat:
- Environmental heat, like the summer’s warmer temps
- Internally generated heat, like exercise and saunas (e.g., anything that causes you to sweat).
Externally generated heat can indeed cause some sweating. Recovering from a chemical peel is more about avoiding the internally generated heat that can cause excessive sweating. Still not convinced? Think of it this way – if you couldn’t get a chemical peel in warmer temps, technically, you can’t get a chemical peel in states like California and Florida, where it’s sunny and warm regardless of the season.
Unless you’re going on a months-long tropical escape (with prolonged sun exposure), your post-peel skin shouldn’t suffer any additional intensity during summer’s warm months.
Now for the surprise: Chemical peels might be even better in summer.
More humidity in the summer air can be nature’s moisturizer that offsets dryness and irritation that can be triggered even by the gentlest chemical peel.
Drier skin types, dehydrated skin types, and skin types prone to redness and sensitivity can benefit from having a little more oil, sweat, and moisture in the air during warmer months, creating the perfect canvas for a peel.
If the sun is up, the UV rays are out. This means that sun damage can happen every day of the year. But, most people notice that their dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and uneven tone look slightly more intense in the summertime.
Skin care professionals always recommend treating a scar as soon as the wound is healing and, therefore, more responsive to treatment (rather than weeks, months, or years later). The same goes for dark spots and discoloration.
When the damage is fresh, a summertime peel can cut off discoloration at the pass and prevent conditions like melasma from getting trapped in deeper layers of your skin.
It’s also important to note that while it’s safe to peel in the summer, you should never get a chemical peel if your skin is sun-exposed or sunburned. So, if you just returned from a tropical vacation or had a sunny beach weekend, it’s best to wait until your skin has recovered before getting a peel.
Not sure if your skin is ready? Your healthcare practitioner at PSC Aesthetics can help you determine this.
So, when is the best time for a chemical peel?
Ultimately, this question is for you and your aesthetician! However, we know there really isn’t a “best time.” Skincare maintenance should be done all year long, regardless of the season. We recommend getting a peel at least once a quarter.
VI Peel offers a range of chemical peels ideal for treating sun damage on the face, décolleté, and shoulders. We can also treat anywhere else you’d like a rejuvenating boost. If you’re struggling with sun damage, melasma, or hyperpigmentation, opt for the VI Peel Precision Plus treatment.
Ready to explore your options? Contact us today!